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The Marriage of Your Dreams
Paul Tripp Conference
Christ Kingdom Ministry Center and Mt Carmel are excited to host The Marriage of Your Dreams Marriage and Dating Conference on Saturday, April 20th, 9am-3pm at Mt Carmel Church 2720 Brodhead Rd. Aliquippa, PA 15001
The cost is $20 per couple (scholarships available) and registration is available online HERE or in person at the Mt Carmel Welcome Center.
The registration deadline is Sunday, April 14, 2024.
You won't want to miss this event. Please join us and invite friends!
The $20 registration fee will cover all of the materials and the lunch that will be provided the day of the conference. We have included guidance for pay options below. We are grateful to have scholarship funds available if you cannot pay the registration fee and just need to know if you would like to take advantage of that opportunity. You can simply reply to this email to let us know.
If you plan on paying the registration fee please do so in one of the following ways:
Online Option: CLICK HERE
Check Option: Just make the check out to Mt. Carmel Church and in the memo line write “marriage conference”. You can place the check in the Sunday offering, mail it to Mt Carmel Church 2720 Brodhead Rd. Aliquippa, PA 15001 or deliver it to the Mt Carmel Church Office.
Cash: You can pay with cash by placing it in a sealed envelope with a note that includes your name and that it is for the marriage conference. You can get it to us the same way as the check option above.
We are so excited for the upcoming conference! Join us to learn more about what the bible says about marriage and how we can live out this in a way that glorifies God.
Thanks so much!
Mt. Carmel Marriage Conference Team